I was born and raised in Kinston, NC and I watched my father tinker around with his camea while I was growing up and even though it was only five years ago that I started working seriously about my photography. I have found in that time that I absolutely love the time I spend photographing people and making what I feel are beautiful images. Although I work in all types of photography, portraiture has become my specialty. Photography is a combination of skill and art; portraiture also requires collaboration and patience because the subject is a person. Anyone can set a camera for the correct exposure and focus, but to truly capture the essence of a person in a portrait requires an understanding of what the client wants to say about themselves.
A portrait should be a split second exposure that captures an image in such a way that even someone who does not know the subject can look at it and tell a lot about the person in the photo; the image must tell a story. Taking a picture is easy; creating a portrait that describes a person completely is not.
I work with state-of-the-art equipment, as do most professionals. However, the equipment is secondary to the collaboration; understanding what the client wants their portrait to say, and how to create a shot that makes that statement is my real specialty.
I started working as a sports photographer. That work was all about waiting for the right moment to happen. Sometimes the right moment didn’t happen. Now I focus on the individual and I make the moment happen. A good portrait takes planning, discussion and time to pull off successfully. It always takes more than a few shots, and my philosophy is shooting until we get it right.
Babies grow up quickly. I watch mine grow, so I understand that. I want to develop a portrait plan with you that will be a record of your child's growth and interests, portraits that really reflect who they are at each stage of development and what was important to them at that time.
The same is true for families and sports portraits. Good results take time, planning, and work for everyone involved. Once a portrait is taken that moment is gone forever; we want to be sure that we have perfectly captured that moment in an image that will last for generations.
The shoot should also be enjoyable. I want you to come away with a great set of shots and an experience that you can say was fun.
My favorite subjects are my wonderful wife Kim and our beautiful baby girl.
It’s just a wonderful experience to spend time with my clients and get to know them while doing the photo shoots. It makes for a good time and great photos.
Photography is my passion. Take a look at my portfolio and let’s talk about making that perfect portrait for you.
Eric Jones - Photographer